Dear Reader, Just a quickie to send you some news that you might not want to miss. Valentine's Offer (30% discount) If you've been on the fence about shifting your lifestyle from health-limiting to health-promoting, then here are 2 strong motivators to learn more about the Midlife Look Sharp Formula and change your direction of travel health-wise: Sign-up along with your +1: that's right, do it together! Benefits: amplified accountability, less friction as you're both doing the same thing, a...
about 13 hours ago • 3 min read
Dear Reader, 'Tis the season of Good Will! Although you won't catch me eating figgy pudding... Instead, allow me to wish you - dear subscriber - a restful and joyful holiday season. I truly appreciate your interest in what I have to say 🙏 I've put together a special video message to thank you and, perhaps, to inspire you. Letter to Santa: If you didn't put optimal mitochondrial health in your letter, what did you ask for? Here's my Santa list 🎅🏻 (click to play the video) If you missed the...
2 months ago • 2 min read
Dear Reader, Picture this: Boxing Day. You're sitting there, stuffed, after yet more Turkey leftovers, Christmas Pud and After Eights. Yet you feel smug and relaxed. Because you know that in January you're going to do something you've never achieved before. You're finally going to drop that excess weight and shrink your waist! Instead of making hung-over New Year's Resolutions that never really last beyond February. Plus, you've saved a shed-load of money! How come? You've taken advantage of...
3 months ago • 1 min read
Dear Reader, I hope you're well. I've got some shiny new toys for you to help you on your weight loss and health journeys. And they're all free of charge. 1 Brand new Midlife Metabolic Health Quiz: Midlife is that time of life when we start to wonder: Which nasty diseases are lurking round the corner as you approach your last decades? How far down the path am I to diabetes, Alzheimer's, a heart attack or chronic pain? And can I still do something about it or is it too late? Well, now you can...
3 months ago • 2 min read
Dear Reader, Finally it's here. The Circadian Rhythm Disruption Challenge. Starts tomorrow, Sunday 20th October. The first steps are so easy and have non-linear positive impacts on your well-being, state of mind and physical wellness. Yes, including weight loss. If you've been following me here & on Linkedin for a while then you'll have a good idea about the basic principles. But now 1500 people (including myself) have joined this 21-day free CRD Challenge to not only learn more, but to gain...
4 months ago • 1 min read
Dear Reader Last time I wrote I hinted at a huge new project that was coming soon. Today I’m allowed to reveal it to you. It’s a crucial cornerstone of health that you may not have heard of before. It’s so crucial that in its most extreme form the WHO has listed it as "probably carcinogenic"*. It’s directly causal or heavily implicated in: Obesity, Depression, Insomnia, Heart disease, Hypertension, Cancer, Immune deficiencies and dysfunctions, Progression and expression of certain mental...
5 months ago • 1 min read
Dear Reader, I hope you survived the last newsletter 😄 Subscriber David responded and I quote verbatim "It was fëçking long, but well worth the read". I really appreciate any and all feedback, so if you've got something to say, please do say it: click Reply, type and send! Sorry, not sorry for the length, though. Sometimes knowing better requires a few more characters than a Linkedin post allows. Which is, hopefully, why you're here. Today I'm sharing: 2 big pieces of news, Mind blowing...
5 months ago • 3 min read
Dear Reader, If you were confused about nutrition, then I'm absolutely not surprised. Read on to find out why these types of headlines are not only simple clickbait, but actually nefarious lies. Health journalists are lazy, uneducated or have an agenda. And the most rubbish science seems to get the most media space. I'm not surprised either that an organisation purportedly helping raise awareness and raising funds for research into Alzheimer's (Alzheimer's Association) - often these...
5 months ago • 4 min read
Hi Reader, Welcome to another dose of weight loss and health information for Midlifers. Imagine this: Not so long ago we lived pretty close to nature. Just the natural electromagnetic spectrum of the Earth, sounds of wildlife, materials sourced from our natural surroundings, in small communities. Today we live on top of each other, in houses laden with man-made inventions, from furniture materials, light sources, construction materials, personal hygiene products, wifi, mobile networks,...
7 months ago • 2 min read